
Nixon Enemies List entry for
S. Sterling Munro, Jr.:

List and position:First/Top 20, #10 with Charles Colson's blue checkmark
Name as originally listed:S. Sterling Munro, Jr.
Vitals:3/2/1932 - 3/9/1992
Comment on original list:Senator Jackson's aide, 711 Lamberton Drive, Silver Spring, Md.

- Administrative Assistant to Senator Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson 1961-77.

- considered a behind-the-scenes sort of person.

- comment on Top 20 list suggests that Sen. Jackson was the true target and an effort to damage Monro would serve to discredit Jackson.

- credited with helping to pass National Environmental Policy Act.

- He was puzzled when he was listed as #10 on the Enemies List and said, "At least I finished higher on the list than Paul Newman."

- No connection to Monro Mufflers or to the differently-spelled Sterling Monroe Securities (founded 2002).

- The Washington Post misspelled his last name in his obituary.

- had no obituary in the NY Times--the first on the list to go unnoticed.


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