
Nixon Enemies List entry for
Samuel M. Lambert:

List and position:First/Top 20, #14
Name as originally listed:Samuel M. Lambert
Vitals: - 4/9/1991
Comment on original list:President, National Education Association
Lists with duplicates of this person:1,1

- Head of the National Education Association (largest teacher's union) 1967-1972.

- Listed 3 times on the first list: in the Top 20, under "Organizations" as "president" of the NEA, and under "Business Additions."

- Top 20 list note said he opposed Nixon on federal aid to parochial schools.

- Quote in Newsweek: "I voted for Mr. Nixon and so did a majority of the members of the organization. This is unbelievable."

- was prominent in news and politics only during his 5 years as head of the NEA and never described as "outspoken" or "activist."

- Started at the NEA in the Research Department, which reported that median teacher salary was $2987 for 1950-51.

- During his time as head, membership increased from one million to 2 million.

- NY Times obituary did not mention Enemies List.

- Samuel Lambert is a common name. He is not to be confused with Samuel B. Lambert, head of Lambert Aircraft Engine Corp. (died in plane accident 1930), or the one who fatally shot his father during a domestic dispute in 1933, or Dr. Samuel W. Lambert (prominent NY City physician who, during prohibition, advocated against federal restrictions on prescriptions of medicinal whiskey and beer and took his case to the US Supreme Court in 1926).


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